Is there a payment guarantee?

Yes. But only for the number of referral sales generated by Maxment from its 2,000 business referral groups for the previous month.

There, however, is no guarantee how many referral sales the 2,000 groups may generate.

See ‘Earning Disclaimer’ menu on this website for details.

Maxment pays to the active MAPs by 20th of each month for the previous month’s average number of paid referral sales generated by our 2,000  groups as reported on the referral sales dashboard by our 2,000 accountants from 2,000 business referral groups. 

The monthly incomes are auto deposited directly into the local bank accounts of active MAPs by the Maxment  payroll department.

Note: Accountants report average number of total referral sales each month. MAPs are paid only on referral sales or closed referrals or referrals which are converted into sales.

What are your feelings
Updated on July 29, 2024