What is the Formula to Calculate Average Referral Sales? 

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The Formula to calculate average sales:

Total sales generated by realtors or mortgage brokers (MBs) in our network  divided by total groups = Average number of sales

Examples of average # of sales calculation from 2,000 groups:

If 2,000 realtors in our groups generate 2,000 total sales from 2,000 total groups, the average sale will be calculated as follows:

2,000 total sales/2,000 groups= 1 sale per month on average

If 2,000 realtors in our groups generate 20,000 total sales from 2,000 total groups, the average sale will be calculated as follows:

20,000 sales/2,000 groups= 10 sales per month on average.

Examples of monthly income calculations from # of sales at $50/sale:

1 sale/month X $50= $50/month income

10 sales/month  X$50= $500/month income

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Updated on July 18, 2024