
What do we do?

We setup and manage online business referral groups (BRG) on Facebook for our realtor & homepro members from 2,000 cities without any upfront cost to them.

A business referral group is a group of business owners who meet on a regular basis (weekly or monthly) to refer business between each other. The group offers small business owners an opportunity to establish mutually beneficial business relationships.

A referral network is a group of business professionals who actively work together to grow each other’s businesses. They each generate referrals by recommending other members’ products or services within their networks.

What is our mission

Our mission is: 2,000-50-20,000

It means:

—To setup 2,000 local business referral groups on FB for our business members from 2,000 U.S. cities

—To signup 50 business members for each group—and

—To signup 20,000 homeowner subscribers from each of 2,000 cities

Mission detail:

—To setup 2,000 Maxment Business Referral Groups (MBRG) for its realtor & homepro members from 2,000 cities.

—To signup 50 non-competing homepro members for each group—so as per national average—each business member can get 10 referral sales or $100,000* referral business per year.

—To signup 20,000 homeowners subscribers from each of 2,000 cities for our homepro directory by using 10+ AI marketing systems—so at 0.5% average yearly closing ratio—each business member can get 100 referral sales per year or get $1M* referral business per year.

By achieving the ‘2,000-50-20,000’ mission will make sure that all Maxment’s Associates & business members are earning 10X of the minimum prevailing wages of their countries and are investing enough toward building AI-proof assets (such as mortgage free home; co-op farming & free renewable energy).

Why do we exist?

(Or what is our lifelong purpose?)

To AI-proof the lives of all Maxment business members & Maxment Associate Partners (MAPs) by fulfilling Maxment’s mission of 2,000-50-20,000 as fast as possible so all biz members and Associates can earn 10X of minimum prevailing wages of their countries and can AI proof their lives fast.

What are our core values / beliefs?

These are our core values on which we don’t compromise.

2,000 groups comes first
To AI-proof the life of each Associate & business member, we work together as a MaxmentPro Referral group. We win as a group and we lose as a group. There is no middle ground. We contribute to the group by doing our assigned roles.

People are good
Maxment has three basic assumptions: people are essentially good (unless proven otherwise): reliable, self-motivated, trustworthy, intelligent (in their own unique ways). It means, always treat others as you want to be treated. We’re kind & forgiving. We find solutions not blames.

Individuals shall keep commitments
Although giving deadlines on our projects is not required, but, we should keep commitments on our weekly, monthly, and quarterly processes or tasks by self measuring 1 or 2 scores & publish them in assigned groups for all members to see.

What are our permission-to-play values?

The 2-5 permission-to-play values which we must have just to compete with others or to play the business game.

Maintain industry average Net Promoter Score (NPS) or customer ratings
NPS shows how much we care about our business members & associates, and no business can survive for long with below average NPS or customer ratings.

No 3 Signs of a Miserable Job, (N3SMJ)
The 3 Signs of a Miserable Job are: Anonymity, Irrelevance and Immeasurement. If you have any of 3 signs, let HR know.

1. Anonymity: human beings are social animals and need to be understood and appreciated for their unique qualities.

2. Irrelevance: Everyone needs to know that their job matters, to the company’s mission or to someone.

3. Immeasurement: Employees need to be able to gauge their progress and level of contribution for themselves.

We found the last one to be the key for misery and mediocrity. Indeed, how do you know if you are doing well if you have no measures?

For this reason, Maxment is using self-reporting score-cards that show up on dashboards for all to see score cards related to all job roles and groups.

How do we make money?

Some local and national companies pay us 5% of the gross business when they generate any referral business through our local groups & local homeowner subscribers. There is no extra cost to homeowners for our services.

How do we work?

We’re a U.S. based 100% remote company.

We manage all our departments & teams using fully distributed self-managing teams of Associates working remotely from the U.S., Canada, India, Pakistan, and 10+ other countries around the world.

This working model allows us to hire great remote talents from anywhere in the world and allows us to provide support to our business members via our private online local & national business referral groups.

Each 50-member referral group is managed and supported by 5 Associates.

Our official virtual office location is: 1968 S Coast Hwy #204, Laguna Beach, CA 92651, United States.

How do we support our Associates?

We don’t have managers. We have a core team of Directors for all core business functions (such as HR, Marketing, Operation) of the company. Each director provides a high level of guidance (not control) to her self-managing teams by using the company’s mission as a guideline.

All teams use support forums related to their job roles or teams to give and get support.

What is our official office location?

We’re a 100% virtual company. Our official virtual office location is: 1968 S Coast Hwy #204, Laguna Beach, CA 92651, United States.