Is this Business Model Proven?

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A. Yes it is.

In the US, there are over 10 franchise companies with thousands of local business referral groups which are using the same model that we’re using.

All franchise companies are highly regulated by the U.S. government.

One such franchise company is It is a 35 year old company and has 10,000 BRGs with 300,000 business members in the U.S., Canada and 50 other countries including India & UAE.

The other franchise company is Network Leads Exchange ( It is owned by a United Franchise Group which is the owner of 10+ franchise brands with 1,700 franchise units.

So this business model is a proven business model used by large franchise groups and 10+ other franchise companies. 

In our business model, once Maxment sets up 2,000 biz referral groups and signs up 50-200 local home service professional members per group, as per national average, each group member gets 1-10 referral clients (or $10,000-$100,000 biz) per month, and all Maxment Associate Partners (MAP) earn earn $50-$500 per month working 1 hour / day remotely on a long term basis. 

What are your feelings
Updated on July 28, 2024