How Back Pay Payment Works?

As per the Roadmap, Associates will not start earning until March. Will they be compensated for the lost income or will they just work for free?

They will NOT WORK FOR FREE. They will be compensated for the lost income at the rate of $50 per month until they start earning income under UPS.


As per business signup Roadmap on the website, by March 2025, Maxment should sign up, on average 50 business members per group for its 2,000 groups and each MAP should start earning $50/month.

But, to compensate for the loss income for over 10,000 Associates who are starting 4 to 6 months early, Maxment has setup a Back Pay Payments (BPP) program. 

This program will compensate for some income loss to those who started early. 

Here how it works:

Back Pay Payments is only paid once Associates start earning income under UPS.

Once you as an Associate start earning $50/month under Universal Profit Share model, you can request the ‘Payroll Department’ to start your back pay payments for the month, you earned $0/month. 

Under BPP, Maxment will start paying Back Pay Payments for the loss income for all the months where you earned $0/month.

For example, if you earned $0/month for 6  months, you’ll be paid 6X$50=$300 as your back pay.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Back pay payments to Maxment Associate Partners are  paid in 12 monthly installments along with their regular monthly income until all back payments are fully paid.

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Updated on August 4, 2024