How Do MAPs Track Their Monthly Incomes?

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A. All active MAPs will have a link to the live sales dashboard (updated monthly) to track how many average sales each realtor or mortgage members are generating from all groups in our network in any given month.

Dashboard is updated from the monthly sales data submitted by each referral group’s accountant. 

So if we have 2,000 groups, then 2,000 accountants submit their local groups’ sales data by submitting sales form which in turn updates the spreadsheet & the sales dashboard.

With a dashboard, MAP can also track sales for any of 2,000 groups to know how other groups are doing and average number of sales or average gross sales generated by realtors & other business members.

(Note: Maxment’s accountants from all groups will start tracking & reporting the number of sales or gross sales for their groups once the average number of members per group are fifty (50). 

What are your feelings
Updated on July 28, 2024