What is Meant by ‘Active Associate’ Status & How to Maintain It?

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A. We follow the Holacracy framework where every job role has a  unique purpose to fulfill by doing 3 to 5 recurring tasks or accountabilities on a weekly or monthly basis. 

As long as you’re doing your weekly or monthly 3 to 5 recurring tasks toward fulfilling your job role purpose, and you’re following Maxment 3 core terms, your status will remain active and you’ll get paid for that month.

To check active status for all job roles, please check ‘Resources’ menu on hr.maxment.com and there you’ll see ‘Active Associates List’ for all job roles.

Note: Your name will appear in the Active Associates List once your onboarding is complete.

If your name is not showing in an active status list, it means, you won’t get paid for that month. You can appeal the decision first to your HR Recruiter and then to the HR Audit Team. 

In the appeal, you can show evidence and also other witnesses (such as your teammate to take your side.) 

If you can’t work for 30 days or more due to sickness or maternity leave and submit a medical certificate to your HRR, your status should remain active. In this case, HRR will try to find a temporary replacement for your job role.

If for any reason, the job role or your current local group or team doesn’t suit you, you can request to switch your job role or your group.

Inactive status DOES NOT MEAN that Maxment is letting you go or firing you. It just means that you didn’t fulfill your job role purpose last month and thus won’t get paid for that month. 

Otherwise, not doing the work but still getting paid won’t be fair to all those who are working toward fulfilling their job role purposes.

Here are purposes & accountabilities examples of few job roles.

All accountabilities starts with ‘ing’

—Job role: Group Admin Coordinator (GAC) 


To keep a 50-member business referral group on FB healthy by making sure all business members are following Maxment Business Referral Group’s 3 core rules.


Making sure biz members are following the group’s 3 core rules.

Letting those members go who are not following the 3 core rules.

—Job role: Social Media Marketer – Cold Outreach (SMCO) 


To signup & maintain 50 business members from one or two assigned main niches.


Singing up FIRMs (Financial Advisor, Insurance Broker, Realtors, Mortgage Broker) business members first by posting ‘Looking for a referral partner for CityName’ posts on top 10 related FB groups related to Realtor & FIRM niches.

Asking FIRM to refer other businesses to the local business referral group until all 50 business members are signup.

—Job role: HR Recruiter


To recruit up to 10 Associates for 3+ roles by using any 1 of 3 proven recruitment methods.


Onboarding the newly recruited Associates

Adding by 10th of each month active Associates on the ‘Active Associates list’ for your assigned local business referral group. 

Note: Active Associates are those Associates who are  completing (or trying to complete) tasks listed on their accountabilities list each month.

For Maxment 3 core terms, check biz.maxment.com

To check active status for all job roles, please check ‘Resources’ menu on hr.maxment.com and there you’ll see ‘Active Associates List’ for all job roles.

Note: Your name will appear in the Active Associates List once your onboarding is complete.


What are your feelings
Updated on July 20, 2024