Earning Disclaimer

Earning Disclaimer for Maxment Associate Partners (MAP)

—There is NO FIXED salary. Your earning is directly linked to 50-200 business members that Maxment signs up and retains for each of its 2,000 biz referral groups and sales generated by our business members from all groups in our network.

—If Maxment signs up, on average, 50-200 biz members for its 2,000 business referral groups, each Associate–under UPS–should earn $50-$500/month working 1 hr/day on a long term basis.

—As per the ‘Roadmap’ on hr.maxment.com, Maxment should signup, on average, 50 biz members/group for each of 2,000 biz referral groups by March 2025, and you should start earning $50/month on a long term basis from March 2025.

—As per the ‘Roadmap’ on hr.maxment.com, Maxment should signup 200 biz members/group for each of 2,000 biz referral groups by December 2025, and you should start earning $50/month on a long term basis from December, 2025.

There is NO GUARANTEE that Maxment will be able to signup 50 or 100 or 200 local biz members or to signup & retain 20,000 homeowner subscribers from each of 2,000 cities for our Maxmentpro.com directory within projected time frame or schedule listed on our hr.maxment.com website under the ‘Roadmap 2025-2030’ menu.

—Although we call all our freelancers Maxment Associate Partners (MAP) because they all earn the same under Universal Profit Sharing model, you however are NOT an equity partner or have any other fiduciary relationship between the Maxment. 

—You work as a freelancer & independent contractor for Maxment, Inc. You don’t have an employee / employer relationship with Maxment.

—Even if we signup 50 or 100 or 200 local members for each of 2,000 of our groups as per our stated time frame listed on the website—there still is NO GUARANTEE that our realtor or mortgage broker business members will be able to generate 1-10 referral clients per year or generate $100K to $1M per year referral business, and thus you as an Associate, at $50/sale, will be able to earn $50-$500 per month under Universal Profit Sharing model.

—Even if we signup 20,000 homeowner subscribers from each of 2,000 cities cities, there still is NO GUARANTEE that our realtor business members from each group will be able to generate, on average, 10 clients per month or generate $100,000 per month referral business, and thus you as an Associate, at $50/referral sale, will be able to earn additional $500 per month under UPS model.

—When a BNI group reaches 50-200 members, on average, it generates 1 to 10 referrals per month for its realtor members. Our groups with 50-200 members may not be able to replicate it.

—The 0.5% yearly closing ratio is based upon the book ‘Millionaire Real Estate Agent’ by Gary Keller. As per Gary, properly nurtured non-met prospective clients buy services, on average, at 0.5% yearly closing ratio. There is NO GUARANTEE that Maxment will be able to achieve or continue to achieve 0.5% yearly closing ratio from its 20,000 homeowner subscribers members.

—Once Universal Profit Share income reaches $500/month, the Associate who started early and didn’t earn any income during those months can request to be paid their back pay as per Back Pay Payment calculation on this website. Or check the FAQ section on the ‘Monthly Income’.

—There are many variables or things which are not in our control and can affect our business signup or closing ratio so there is no guarantee how much you will earn in any given month.  

—The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average business member, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

—There is no assurance that examples of past customers/members or earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which could reduce results you experience.

—The use of our information should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that Maxment. Inc, its business members, its affiliates, its Associates, and the advertisers / sponsors are not liable for any success or failure that you may experience.