How to AI Proof Your Life?

How to AI-proof your life fast in 4 steps (with or without Maxment)?

Four Steps:

  1. Learn SAT level English & math: Learn foundation SAT level English and math from free Khan Academy so you can learn any subject or skill or AI-tool to AI-proof your job in short & medium terms.

    Maxment will have a national team (national Circle) to guide its Associates on how to master & pass foundation English & math via free

  2. Up-skill yourself with one or more in-demand AI-tools such as ChatGBT, Google Gemini, AI CRM, AI Chat, AI Content, AI Ad, AI Video, etc.

    If you’re proficient in SAT level math & English, then also try to learn AI foundation skills such as Cloud Computing, Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, etc. from so you can protect your job in the short & medium terms. University degree is not required to learn the above skills.

    Maxment will have a dedicated  national team or Circle to keep up-skilling all its Associates to in-demand top AI tools & AI models which are related to their job roles.

  3. Own a home: Once you start earning $500/month* gross income from Maxment or from any other source, get a 10 year $25,000 (or PKR 7M) mortgage (home loan) at a subsidized rate of 5% APR from a government approved bank to buy or build a solar powered small home or apartment to live in.

    The monthly cost for $25,000 (or PKR 7M) 10 year 5% APR loan with 20% down would be about $250/month.

    Check mortgage calculator for more loan amount options.

    Maxment will have a dedicated team or Circle to guide its Associates on how to get home affordable home loans fast.

  4. Own a farm REIT: Once you start earning $1,000/month gross income from Maxment or from any other source, start auto investing $250 in shares of publicly traded farm Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)** to replace your current food cost in 10 years.

    Once you start investing, you’ll start earning 10% monthly profit on your aggregated investment. But, after 10 years of auto investing of $250/month, you should have invested $30,000 in shares which should also have increased in value, and at an average 10% yearly ROI (profit), you should start earning $250/month to cover the food cost for the family of four.

    Maxment will have a dedicated Circle to guide its Associates on how to invest in public farm REITS.

* If you live in a high income country (such as the US or Canada), then multiply the above amount to 10. 

** Maxment doesn’t own or manage any REIT at this time. It just recommends you the top 5 publicly owned farm REITs in your country.