List of Job Roles


Current job roles:

Note 1: Below are about 40 job roles. Out of 40, about 10 roles are current. Maxment will add more roles in 2025.

Note 2: The benefits of having more job roles and groups means any Associate (as long as she is fulfilling the company’s 3 core terms) can switch her job role or group for whatever reason by giving a 30 day notice to her HR Recruiter.

4 Job roles to manage a local business referral group on FB:

—Facebook Group Admin (FBGA) role to manage a 50-member referral group on FB & make sure biz members are following the group’s 3 core rules. (For female applicants only)

—Social Media Marketer – Cold Outreach (SMM-Cold) role to sign up 5 FIRMs (Financial Advisor, Insurance Broker, Realtors, Mortgage Broker) by using 3 proven cold outreach methods. Once they sign up, ask them to signup 10 biz members each.

—Accountant role to track referrals & payments of 50 biz members in a national or local group by using our referral tracking software. (or to make sure group members are paying their dues to Maxment on time.)

—HR Recruiter / Coordinator (for a local group) role to recruit & onboard Associates for 3-5 core remote job roles (& recruiting 6-8 Associates total) from LinkedIn for a local group by using any 1 of 3 proven recruitment methods. Once 3-5 job roles are recruited, replace anyone who drops out. 

Job roles to provide extra services to Associates and local business members:

—Warm Email Marketer (WEM) role to manage email marketing for 200 business members from one niche or business category by using our email marketing software to generate more business for our group members.

—Social Media Manager – Poster (SMM-P) role to manage Social Media profiles for 200 business members from one niche or business category by using our provided generic post & social media management software to help our biz members to stay top of mind.

—HR Advisor job role to recruit 10 HR Executives by using any 1 of 3 proven recruitment methods & and assign them 10 local groups each so they can recruit HR Recruiters for those groups. Once all Associates are recruited, replace anyone who drops out. 

—HR Executive job role to recruit & onboard 10 HR Recruiters & assign them one local group each so each HRR can recruit Associates for their assigned groups. Once all HRR are recruited, replace anyone who drops out. 

—HR Recruiter National (HRR-N) job role to recruit 10-30 Associates for 1 to 3 national job roles by using any 1 of 3 proven recruitment methods. Once all Associates are recruited, replace anyone who drops out. 

—Payroll Clerk

More roles below are coming in 2025!

Job Roles to manage 1 or more of 10 systems below for Maxment. (Coming!)

Note: Each job role below is managed by a team of 10-12 Associates.

  1. Top of Mind System (TOMS) — so Maxment can get referrals from its existing business members & Maxment Homeowner Subscribers (MHOS) by staying top of mind by connecting with them on autopilot 52 times a year using email & social media.

  2. Auto Lead System (ALS) — so Maxment can get leads on autopilot by using 3+ auto lead generation systems to signup new business members and 20,000 MHOS from each of 2,000 cities.

  3. Auto Closing System ACS)—so Maxment can close more leads/referral on autopilot using its website(s).

  4. Auto Testimonial / Review System—so Maxment can obtain more testimonials & reviews on autopilot from its business members and MHOS.

  5. Auto Delivery System (ADS)—so Maxment Associates can deliver or fulfill quality service consistently by using shared checklists / templates.

  6. Auto Financial System (AFS)—so Maxment can track 3 to 5 key financial metrics and manage its cashflow by using any standard accounting software. 

  7. CRM System—so Maxment can manage leads, customers & partners more effectively by using any standard cloud based CRM system. 

  8. Human Resource Management (HRM) System—so Maxment can manage its Associates effectively by using any standard cloud based HRM system.

  9. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)—so Maxment can manage its outside vendors effectively using any standard cloud based ERP system.

Job Roles to manage 1 or more of 10 systems below for 2,000 business members from one niche or business category. (Coming!)

Note 1: Each job role below is managed by a team of 10-12 Associates.

Note 2: The systems below are the same as 6Q10S other 10 systems, but they are for business members to use by using our upcoming 6Q10S SaaS.

  1. Top of Mind System (TOMS) — so business can get referrals from its existing customers by staying top of mind by connecting with them on autopilot 52 times a year using email & social media.

  2. Auto Lead System (ALS) — so business can get leads on autopilot by using 3+ auto lead generation systems.

  3. Auto Closing System (ACS)—so business can close more leads/referral on autopilot using your website.

  4. Auto Testimonial / Review System (ATS)—so business can obtain more testimonials & reviews on autopilot.

  5. Auto Delivery System (ADS)—so employees can deliver or fulfill quality service consistently by using shared checklists / templates.

  6. Auto Financial System (AFS)—so business can track 3 to 5 key financial metrics and manage its cashflow by using any standard accounting software. 

  7. CRM System—so your business can manage leads, customers & partners more effectively by using any standard cloud based CRM system. 

  8. Human Resource Management (HRM) System—so business can manage its employees effectively by using any standard cloud based HRM system.

  9. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)—so business can manage its outside vendors effectively using any standard cloud based ERP system.

Job Roles related to content creation and management for Maxment and 50+ niches by using ChatGPT or Gemni. (Coming!)

  1. AI article creation and posting on various websites for 50+ niches
  2. AI video creation (faceless) and posting on YT for 50+ niches
  3. AI FAQ for 50+ niches
  4. AI SEO

Job Roles related to manage Maxment IT infrastructure. (Coming!)

  1. WordPress management
  2. Directory app management
  3. Community app management (FB style network & groups)
  4. WordPress plugin development
  5. Amazon AWS cloud management
  6. Cyber Security
  7. ML
  8. Data Science