Purpose – Mission – Benefits


To AI-proof the lives of Maxment Associates and business members by helping them earn 10X of the minimum wages or per capita income of their countries.


The current mission to achieve Maxment purpose is 2,000-50-20,000.

It means:

—To setup 2,000 online business referral groups on Facebook for its 2,000 realtor clients from 2,000 U.S. cities.

—To signup 50-200 business members per group–so as per national average–each realtor & business member can generate 1-10 referral clients per month, and at $50/realtor sale, each Associate can earn $50-$500/month working 1 hour per day.

—To signup 20,000 homeowner subscribers from each of 2,000 cities––so at 0.5% yearly closing ratio–each realtor & biz member can generate 10 referral clients per month, and at $50/realtor sale, each Associate can earn additional $500/month working 1 hour per day.

Benefits of above mission:

Under the Universal Profit Sharing model, earnings of all Associates is directly linked to 2,000-50-20,000 mission.

The mission of 2,000-50-20,000, once fulfilled, should enable all Maxment business members and Associates to earn 10X of the minimum wages or per capita income of their countries which in turn should enable them to:

—AI-proof their lives by owning solar powered homes or apartments.

—Own enough shares in public farm REIT(s) to earn $250/month to AI-proof or future-proof their food costs for the family of four.