Roadmap 2025-2030: Onboarding – Biz Signup – Earning

Maxment mission: 2,000-200-20,000

Which means:

 —to setup 2,000 biz referral groups for 2,000 U.S. cities; 

—to signup 200 biz members/group so each Associate can earn $500/month working 1 hr/day on a long term basis; and

—to  signup 20,000 homeowner subscribers so each Associate can earn additional $500/month working 1 hr/day on a long term basis.

Roadmap: Onboarding

To manage 2000 biz referral groups, Maxment needs 10,000+ Associates.

To recruit & onboard 10,000 Associates orderly, Maxment is onboarding in 4 phases.

Each phase will start by the first Monday of the month.

Once all 4 phases are complete, Maxment then will setup 2,000 groups and start signing up business members so Associates can start earning as per the projected earning schedule below.

Here is the current onboarding schedule for all job roles & their corresponding phases: 

—[Sep-2024] HR Executives will recruit & onboard HR Recruiters (HRRs) from the first Monday of September, 2024. In this phase, each HRE will try to recruit/onboard about 10 HRR. For the current status, see the Active HR Recruiters List Dashboard on this website.

—[Oct-2024] FB Group Admins (a.k.a. Group Admin Coordinators) will be recruited & onboarded by HR Recruiters from October 7.

—[Oct-2024] Social Media Marketers (cold outreach) & Cold Email Marketers will be recruited & onboarded by HR Recruiters from October 7.

—[Jan-2025] Accountants (a.k.a. Account Receivable Clerks) will be recruited & onboarded by HR Recruiters from Jan 20, 2025.

   —[No Onboarding Date Yet] For all other Associates whose job roles are not listed above will get their onboarding date by first Monday of April 2025. Those Associates whose job roles are not active yet but are in the ‘Approved Maxment Associate Partners List will be given priority to onboard. 

Roadmap: Biz Signup & Earning

Earning Disclaimer:

Each of 10,000 Associates earning is directly linked to 50-200 business members that Maxment will signup & retain for each of its 2,000 business referral groups.

If it signs up 50-200 business members, as per national average, its realtor or mortgage broker members generate 1-10 referral sales per month and $50/referral sale, each Associate under Universal Profit Sharing (UPS) model earns $50-$500/month.

Associates do not sell anything. Realtor from each group generates referral sales from 50-200 members in the group.

Your earning should start from March, 2025 as per the roadmap below. But there is NO GUARANTEE that Maxment will be able to do it within the time frame listed below. See ‘Earning Disclaimer‘ for detail.

After starting the work in your job role, in any months where you’ll earn $0, you’ll be compensated for the loss income at the rate of $50/month via Back Pay Payment once you’ll start earning minimum $50/month.

Maxment mission is 2,000-200-20,000
Here is the current schedule to activate first two parts of the Maxment mission (2,000-200) and each Associate’s earnings:

—[Nov-Dec 2024] To setup 2,000 groups on FB and to signup 1 realtor 5 business members for each of 2,000 groups. 

—[Mar-2025] To signup 50 business members for each of 2,000 groups.
Once Maxment signs up 50 biz members, as per national average, each group generates 1 sale/month for its realtor or mortgage broker member, and at $50/sale, each Associate should earn $50/month under UPS working 1 hr/day on a long term basis. 

—[Jun-2025] To signup 100 business members for each of 2,000 groups.
Once Maxment signs up 100 biz members, as per national average, each group generates 3 sales/month for its realtor or mortgage broker member, and at $50/sale, each Associate should earn $150/month under UPS working 1 hr/day on a long term basis. 

—[Dec 2025] To signup 200 business members for each of 2,000 groups.
Once Maxment signs up 200 biz members, as per national average, each group generates 10 sales/month for its realtor or mortgage broker member, and at $50/sale, each Associate should earn $500/month under UPS working 1 hr/day on a long term basis. 

$500/month is an earning cap for working 1 hr/day.

To learn more on your monthly income calculator, check FAQ menu in

Here is the current schedule to activate the 3rd part of the Maxment mission of 2,000-200-20,000 and each Associate’s earnings:

—[2026] To signup 5,000-20,000 Maxment Homeowner Subscribers (MHOS) from each of 2,000 U.S. cities.
Once Maxment signs up 5,000-20,000 Maxment Homeowner Subscribers (MHOS) from each of 2,000 U.S. cities, each realtor or mortgage broker member generates 2-10 sales/month, and $50/sale, each Associate should earn additional $100-$500/month under UPS working 1 hr/day on a long term basis. 

$500/month is an earning cap for working 1 hr/day.

$1,100/month is an earning cap for working 4 hrs/day.

To learn more on your monthly income calculator, check FAQ menu in


Dashboards to show monthly status of average business members signup/group and Associates earnings under UPS:

Once 2,000 groups are setup, all Associates will have access to a dashboard which will show the previous month data for all 2,000 groups and average members/group.

Once 2,000 groups are setup, and–on average–they have 50 business members per group,  all Associates will have access to a dashboard which will show how much each Associate should be earning this month under Universal Profit Sharing model.

To learn more on your monthly income calculator under UPS, visit

Dashboards to show all ‘Approved Associates’:

Approved Associates Dashboard to show all Associates who are approved as Maxment Associate Partners. If your name is on the list, you’re in the system but will only be paid if your name is on the active Associates list on the  dashboards listed on this website for your job role. 

—You’re in the system & and are an ‘Approved Maxment Associate Partner’:

  • if you’re receiving weekly or monthly update emails; or
  • if your name is listed in the ‘Approved Associates List’ dashboard; or
  • if you’re a member of Maxment Associate Partners group on Linkedin.
Dashboards to show monthly status of all active Associates so they can get paid under the Universal Profit Sharing model:

Active HR Advisors G-Sheet with list of about 2,000 assigned cities updated monthly by HR Directors.

Active HR Executives Dashboard updated monthly by HR Advisors [Demo List]

Active HR Recruiters Dashboard updated monthly by HR Executives [Demo List]

Active Local Associates Dashboard for 3+ local job roles updated monthly by HRR [Demo List]

[Link is coming] Active National Associates Dashboard for 10+ national job roles updated monthly by HRR-National

Note: Payroll department pays monthly under UPS only to active Associates as per above dashboards. 

Here are a few issues that you may face related to onboarding and your name not showing on the active list and how to solve them.

If your name is on the ‘Approved List’ dashboard but you’re not onboarded yet for your job role as per listed onboarding schedule, here are few ways to solve this issue.

  • If you were recruited by a recruiter, contact the recruiter on Linkedin or via email (if it’s given to you). You can also find LinkedIn profiles of all HR Recruiters & their assigned cities on the ‘Active Associates List’ dashboard related to your job role. All lists are on

  • If you were hired directly by Maxment, in this case, search the ‘Active Associates List’ dashboard for your job role & look for a city or group where your job role is still open. Contact the recruiter on LinkedIn and request to be onboarded. You can find LI profiles of all HR Recruiters & their assigned cities on the ‘Active Associates List’ dashboard related to your job role. All lists are on

  • Post ‘Still waiting to be on-boarded for [Your Job Role]’ on Maxment Associate Partners group on LinkedIn by mentioning the recruiter name if you know it.

  • Post on a dedicated forum on related to your job role.

  • (Coming) If you still can’t resolve your issue, open a support ticket and someone from the National HR Audit Department will assist you with your problem related to the status of your role or status of your payment.

If you’re already onboarded for your job role but your name is not on the Active Associates list for your job role for some reason, here are a few ways to solve this issue.

  • Contact the recruiter on Linkedin or via email (if it’s given to you). You can also find LinkedIn profiles of all HR Recruiters & their assigned cities on the ‘Active Associates List’ dashboard related to your job role. All lists are on

  • Post on a dedicated forum on related to your job role.

  • (Coming) If you still can’t resolve your issue, open a support ticket and someone from the National HR Audit Department will assist you with your problem related to the status of your role or status of your payment.

—Maxment team

PS notes: 

  1. The above onboarding and earning schedules are just estimates. Depending upon how each onboarding goes, the schedule can move forward up to 90 days.

  2. At this time, support is only provided to Associates who are going through onboardings or have completed it. All others, please check the FAQ menu and hold all questions until onboarding for your job role starts.

  3. Any HR Executive who is not onboarded as per schedule on this website may be asked to switch her job role to HR Recruiter or any other job role listed above so she can be onboarded as per above  listed onboarding schedule.

  4. You’re in the system & are in ‘Approved Associate’ list if:
    • you’re receiving weekly or monthly update emails; or
    • your name is listed in the ‘Approved Maxment Associates List’ dashboard; or
    • you’re a member of Maxment Associate Partners group on Linkedin.

There absolutely is NO GUARANTEED how much you’ll earn each month. All earnings stated here are projections. For detail, also read Earning Disclaimer.

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